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Facility Rentals


Printable Forms - Boat/Storage and Swap Meet


Storage rental fees shall be paid monthly, in advance, according to the following schedule. Please note that unit length includes the length of the trailer and extra length for the hitch:

Prices do not include tax

Length under 19 feet: $125.00

Length of 20-24 feet: $130.00

Length of 25-30 feet: $135.00

Length of 31-40 feet: $140.00

Length of over 40 feet: $155.00

Pavilion Entire Building

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55,000 sq. ft. (200’ x 275’)
Arena grandstand seating capacity 1,800

The Grays Harbor Pavilion, located at the fairgrounds, was built and dedicated in 1982. The Pavilion is owned by Grays Harbor County and managed by a full time staff.

This multi-use facility offers two large rooms and an indoor arena. See Pavilion layout below. Multiple events can occur on the same days and fairgrounds staff members will assist in making your use of the facilities a pleasant one. The Pavilion is open and available for use on a year round basis. The large rooms allow for use indoors during the winter when the weather could be a factor outdoors. Excellent for horse shows, rodeos, concerts, indoor motorsports events, animal show and much, much more!

  • Free Admission events …………………………………………… $1,350/day
  • Plus up to 10% of the gross sale of products including, but not limited to food, alcohol and novelties. A flat fee may be negotiated in lieu of the percentage rate.
  • Ticketed Admission events ……………………………………..... $1,350/day
    • Plus up to 10% of admission fees and/or the gross sale of products including but not limited to food, alcohol and novelties. A flat fee may also be negotiated in lieu of the percentage rate.
  • Deposit Minimum……………..………… ……………………..$500.00 per event
  • Any event running after midnight must pay an additional staff rate of $300/hr

Centerville Western Stores Indoor Arena

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21,000 sq. ft. (100'x210')
Grandstand seating capacity 1,800
Great for Equestrian Practices/Events, Dog Shows, and much, much more!
The possibilities are endless.

  • Full Day (5 hrs. or more)………………………………………….. $625/day
    • Plus up to 10 % of admission fees and/or the gross sale of products including but not limited to food, alcohol and novelties. A flat fee may be negotiated in lieu of the percentage rate.
  • Short term usage (2 hr. minimum, 4 hr. maximum)………………. $155/hr.
    • Plus up to 10 % of admission fees and/or the gross sale of products including but not limited to food, alcohol and novelties. A flat fee may be negotiated in lieu of the percentage rate.
  • Deposit Minimum ……………………………………………..….. $250.00/event
  • Arena Prep fee (To both pack and restore floor surface)…………...$500.00
  • (To either pack or restore floor surface)…………...$250.00
  • Any event running after midnight must pay an additional staff rate of $300/hr.
  • *Note: For groups that require more than three workings or re-workings of the arena per day, a grooming fee may also be charged at a rate based on $60/hr. (pro-rate to the nearest ¼ hour). For example, if a working takes 15 minutes the charge would be $15. THE WORKING SCHEDULE MUST BE DISCUSSED AND WORKED OUT DURING CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS. IF THE GROUP DOES NOT REQUIRE FAIRGROUNDS STAFF TO WORK OR REWORK THE ARENA MORE THAN THREE TIMES PER DAY, OR THEY WISH TO PERFORM SUCH TASKS THEMSELVES, THIS FEE WILL NOT APPLY. Groups wishing to work the arena themselves will be financially responsible for any damage done while performing such tasks.

Pavilion Exhibit Hall

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10,000 sq. ft. (50’x200’)
Capacity 1,200 dance style, 900 banquet style
Ideal for Dances, and renting in conjunction of Indoor Arena

  • Full Day (5 hrs. or more)………………….….………………........ $550/day
    • Plus up to 10 % of admission fees and/or the gross sale of products including but not limited to food, alcohol and novelties. A flat fee may be negotiated in lieu of the percentage rate.
  • Short term usage (2 hr. minimum, 4 hr. maximum)………………. $155/hr.
    • Plus up to 10 % of admission fees and/or the gross sale of products including but not limited to food, alcohol and novelties. A flat fee may be negotiated in lieu of the percentage rate.
  • Deposit Minimum …………………….…………………………… $250.00 per event
  • Any event running after midnight must pay an additional staff rate of $300/hr.

Pavilion Meeting Room

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5,000 sq. ft. (50’x100’)
Capacity 600 dance style, 400 banquet style
Often used for Meeting's, Wedding's, Celebration of Life's, etc

  • Full Day (5 hrs. or more)……………………….……………… … $450/day
    • Plus up to 10 % of admission fees and/or the gross sale of products including but not limited to food, alcohol and novelties. A flat fee may be negotiated in lieu of the percentage rate.
  • Short term usage (2 hr. minimum, 4 hr. maximum)………………. $125/hr.
    • Plus up to 10 % of admission fees and/or the gross sale of products including but not limited to food, alcohol and novelties. A flat fee may be negotiated in lieu of the percentage rate.
  • Deposit Minimum…………………..………………………………$250.00 per event
  • Any event running after midnight must pay an additional staff rate of $300/hr.


Borden-Seabert Exhibition Building

1 of 4
Great for Wedding's, Celebration of Life's, Banquets, ect.
60’x72’ usable floor space,Handicap accessible women’s and men’s Restrooms; and small Kitchenette.
All utilities including natural gas heat are included in rental fee.

  • Full day (5 hrs. or more)………………………………………….. $450/day
    • Plus up to 10 % of admission fees and/or the gross sale of products including but not limited to food, alcohol and novelties. A flat fee may be negotiated in lieu of the percentage rate.
  • Short term (2 hr. minimum, 4 hr. maximum)………………… …. $125/hr
    • Plus up to 10 % of admission fees and/or the gross sale of products including but not limited to food, alcohol and novelties. A flat fee may be negotiated in lieu of the percentage rate.
  • Deposit Minimum…………………..………………......................$250.00 per event
  • Any event running after midnight must pay an additional staff rate of $300/hr.

Agricultural Building

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2,400 sq. ft. (40’x60’)
Often used for Dance's, Wedding's, ect.

    • Full day (5 hrs. or more)…..………………………………………. $500/day
      • Plus up to 10 % of admission fees and/or the gross sale of products including but not limited to food, alcohol and novelties. A flat fee may be negotiated in lieu of the percentage rate.
    • Short term usage (2 hr. minimum, 4 hr. maximum)………………. $140/hr
      • Plus up to 10 % of admission fees and/or the gross sale of products including but not limited to food, alcohol and novelties. A flat fee may be negotiated in lieu of the percentage rate.
    • Deposit Minimum………..………………........................................$250.00 per event
    Any event running after midnight must pay an additional staff rate of $300/hr

Crafts & Hobbies Building

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3,600 sq. ft. (40’x90)
    • Full Day (5 hrs. or more)………………………………………….. $275/day
      • Plus up to 10 % of admission fees and/or the gross sale of products including but not limited to food, alcohol and novelties. A flat fee may be negotiated in lieu of the percentage rate.
    • Short term usage (2 hr. minimum, 4 hr. maximum)………………. $85/hr.
      • Plus up to 10 % of admission fees and/or the gross sale of products including but not limited to food, alcohol and novelties. A flat fee may be negotiated in lieu of the percentage rate.
    • Deposit Minimum…………..…………………..…………………$200.00
    Any event running after midnight must pay an additional staff rate of $300/hr.

4-H Food Booth

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Great location in the Food Court, during an event for fundraisers!

  • Full Day (Only)…………………………………………………… $125 for Building
  • Full Day (Only)……………………………………………………$125 for Equipment
    • Plus up to 20 % of admission fees and/or the gross sale of products including but not limited to food, alcohol and novelties. A flat fee may be negotiated in lieu of the percentage rate.
  • For rentals of two (2) days or more, a reduced rate may be negotiated.
  • Refundable $200.00 cleaning/damage deposit is necessary. Half will go to Fair Board to cover equipment. Half will go to the Fairgrounds to cover the building.

Pavilion Annex

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8,640 sq. ft
Often used for Grooming Area during Dog Shows, Store RV/Boats during the year, ect.

  • Full Day (5 hrs. or more)
    • Whole Building ………………………………………………. $325/day
    • Half Building …………………………………………………. $200/day
    • Plus up to 10 % of admission fees and/or the gross sale of products including but not limited to food, alcohol and novelties. A flat fee may be negotiated in lieu of the percentage rate.
  • Short Term…………………………………………………………………. $100/hr.
    • Plus up to 10 % of admission fees and/or the gross sale of products including but not limited to food, alcohol and novelties. A flat fee may be negotiated in lieu of the percentage rate
    • Deposit Minimum…………………..………………………………………$200.00
    • Any event running after midnight must pay an additional staff rate of $300/hr


Poultry/Rabbit Barn

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3,290 sq. ft., L shaped (47’x 70’)&(96’x46’),
door height (2)11 ft., (2) 9 ft 9 in.

  • Full Day (5 hrs. or more)……………….…………………………… $275/day
    • Plus up to 10 % of admission fees and/or the gross sale of products including but not limited to food, alcohol and novelties. A flat fee may be negotiated in lieu of the percentage rate.
  • Short term usage (2 hr. minimum, 4 hr. maximum)…………............ $85/hr.
    • Plus up to 10 % of admission fees and/or the gross sale of products including but not limited to food, alcohol and novelties. A flat fee may be negotiated in lieu of the percentage rate.
  • Damage Deposit……………..…………………..…………………..$200.00 per event
Any event running after midnight must pay an additional staff rate of $300/hr

Animals of the World Barn

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5,760 sq. ft. (48’x120’) door height 11 ft. 9 in.

  • Full Day (5 hrs. or more)……………….…………………………… $275/day
    • Plus up to 10 % of admission fees and/or the gross sale of products including but not limited to food, alcohol and novelties. A flat fee may be negotiated in lieu of the percentage rate.
  • Short term usage (2 hr. minimum, 4 hr. maximum)…………............ $85/hr.
    • Plus up to 10 % of admission fees and/or the gross sale of products including but not limited to food, alcohol and novelties. A flat fee may be negotiated in lieu of the percentage rate.
  • Damage Deposit……………..…………………..…………………..$200.00 per event
  • Any event running after midnight must pay an additional staff rate of $300/hr

Sheep Barn

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4,350 sq. ft. (30’x145’) door height 10 ft. 4 in.

  • Full Day (5 hrs. or more)……………….…………………………… $275/day
    • Plus up to 10 % of admission fees and/or the gross sale of products including but not limited to food, alcohol and novelties. A flat fee may be negotiated in lieu of the percentage rate.
  • Short term usage (2 hr. minimum, 4 hr. maximum)…………............ $85/hr.
    • Plus up to 10 % of admission fees and/or the gross sale of products including but not limited to food, alcohol and novelties. A flat fee may be negotiated in lieu of the percentage rate.
  • Damage Deposit……………..…………………..…………………..$200.00 per event
  • Any event running after midnight must pay an additional staff rate of $300/hr

Beef/Dairy Barn

1 of 4
10,452 sq. ft. (67’x156’) 9 ft 10 in., 9 ft. 8 in., (2) 9 ft. 6 in.
  • Full Day (5 hrs. or more)……………….…………………………… $275/day
    • Plus up to 10 % of admission fees and/or the gross sale of products including but not limited to food, alcohol and novelties. A flat fee may be negotiated in lieu of the percentage rate.
  • Short term usage (2 hr. minimum, 4 hr. maximum)…………............ $85/hr.
    • Plus up to 10 % of admission fees and/or the gross sale of products including but not limited to food, alcohol and novelties. A flat fee may be negotiated in lieu of the percentage rate.
  • Damage Deposit……………..…………………..…………………..$200.00 per event
  • Any event running after midnight must pay an additional staff rate of $300/hr

FFA Barn

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(1) 10 ft., (1) 10 ft. 10 in.

  • Full Day (5 hrs. or more)……………….…………………………… $275/day
    • Plus up to 10 % of admission fees and/or the gross sale of products including but not limited to food, alcohol and novelties. A flat fee may be negotiated in lieu of the percentage rate.
  • Short term usage (2 hr. minimum, 4 hr. maximum)…………............ $85/hr.
    • Plus up to 10 % of admission fees and/or the gross sale of products including but not limited to food, alcohol and novelties. A flat fee may be negotiated in lieu of the percentage rate.
  • Damage Deposit……………..…………………..…………………..$200.00 per event
  • Any event running after midnight must pay an additional staff rate of $300/hr


Horse Barn Stalls

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(10 x 10)

  • Unbedded:
    • -Day Rate (O-24 hours)……………………………………………………….......$15.00/day
    • -Event Rate (Anytime between 6:00am Sat. and 8:00pm. Sun.)………………….$25.00
    • -Weekend Rate (Anytime between 6:00am Fri. and 8:00pm Sun.)….....................$35.00
    • -Extended Weekend Rate (Anytime between 6:00am Thurs. and 8:00pm Sun.)…$45.00
    • -Weekly Rate (Up to seven (7) consecutive days)………………………………...$85
  • Cleaning – All uncleaned stalls will result in a $50 stall cleaning fee per stall. This fee will be billed to show management.

*Due to the occasional lack of availability and the volatile market for shavings, the Grays Harbor County Fairgrounds will no longer be providing bedded stalls or bedding material unless specifically requested under the terms of a special event contract. The cost of such services will be based on market price and staffing costs, with a minimum base rate of $40/stall/day. Any period of time between 0 and 24 hours constitutes a “day” of rental. Customers will be billed at the least expensive applicable rate, according to actual hours of stall use.

Pavilion Outdoor Arena

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240’ x 150’

  • Full Day Only…………………………………...................................... $200/day
    • *Included free of charge with Pavilion Arena Horse Shows
  • Deposit Minimum…………………..………………………………….. $100.00 per event
  • Plus up to 10 % of admission fees and/or the gross sale of products including but not limited to food, alcohol and novelties. A flat fee may be negotiated in lieu of the percentage rate.

Montesano Farm & Home Arena

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160’ x 60’

  • Full Day (5 hrs. or more)………………………………………………. $375/day
  • Full Day rental in conjunction with Indoor Arena rental… $200; $125 Youth Rate
  • Deposit Minimum……………….……$200.00 per event; $50 if with Arena rental
  • Short Term Group Rent by Reservation ………………… $100/hr. (lights not included)
    • Plus up to 10 % of admission fees and/or the gross sale of products including but not limited to food, alcohol and novelties. A flat fee may be negotiated in lieu of the percentage rate.
  • Lights with Group Rental ………………………………… $30.00/hr.
  • Short Term Individual Open Riding ………………........... $ 5.00/hr./rider
    • If lights are used ………………………..ADDITIONAL $ 5.00/hr./rider

*During Normal Business hours, Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm, customers must pay in the Fairgrounds Office prior to riding. Gates will be opened by staff at that time. Customers arriving after normal business hours and on weekends must contact the Fairgrounds Caretaker at (360)722-6555. The caretaker will meet riders at the arena to collect fees and open gates. Note: The caretaker is not always available to provide assistance.

*Bulk Riding Rate – Riders who use the arena on a regular basis can benefit by purchasing a bulk riding voucher that will reduce the cost of use. The bulk riding rate is $50 per month. A person taking advantage of this option will be issued a key that is good for one calendar month. Locks will be rotated on the 1st of each month. Keys must be returned by the riders at month’s end, before the key for the next month can be issued. A $50 fee will be assessed as penalty in the case that a key is lost or not returned.


Pavilion Lawn Area

Great rental for group camping
  • Includes stage, power and lights - $375.00
  • Lots must be rented if parking is charged, or 15% of total parking fees collected, must be paid to the Fairgrounds, whichever is greater.
  • Plus up to 10 % of admission fees and/or the gross sale of products including but not limited to food, alcohol and novelties. A flat fee may be negotiated in lieu of the percentage rate.
  • Deposit Minimum - $150.00 per event
  • Note: The Fairgrounds retains first-rights for parking lot fees. The County may, at its sole discretion, assign its parking lot fee collection rights to any group, by written contract. Such groups may receive, for their exclusive benefit, all or a shared portion of such fees.

Midway Lawn Area

  • Great rental for group camping
  • Includes power, overhead lights and water hook-ups - $350.00
  • Lots must be rented if parking is charged, or 15% of total parking fees collected, must be paid to the Fairgrounds, whichever is greater.
  • Plus up to 10 % of admission fees and/or the gross sale of products including but not limited to food, alcohol and novelties. A flat fee may be negotiated in lieu of the percentage rate.
  • Deposit Minimum - $150.00 per event.
  • Note: The Fairgrounds retains first-rights for parking lot fees. The County may, at its sole discretion, assign its parking lot fee collection rights to any group, by written contract. Such groups may receive, for their exclusive benefit, all or a shared portion of such fees.

Carnival Lot Area

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Includes power and water hook-ups - $350.00
  • Lots must be rented if parking is charged, or 15% of total parking fees collected, must be paid to the Fairgrounds, whichever is greater.
  • Plus up to 10 % of admission fees and/or the gross sale of products including but not limited to food, alcohol and novelties. A flat fee may be negotiated in lieu of the percentage rate.
  • Deposit Minimum - $150.00 per event
  • Note: The Fairgrounds retains first-rights for parking lot fees. The County may, at its sole discretion, assign its parking lot fee collection rights to any group, by written contract. Such groups may receive, for their exclusive benefit, all or a shared portion of such fees.


Paved Lot

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  • paved lot - $350.00
  • Lots must be rented if parking is charged, or 15% of total parking fees collected, must be paid to the Fairgrounds, whichever is greater.
  • Plus up to 10 % of admission fees and/or the gross sale of products including but not limited to food, alcohol and novelties. A flat fee may be negotiated in lieu of the percentage rate.
  • Deposit Minimum - $150.00 per event
  • Note: The Fairgrounds retains first-rights for parking lot fees. The County may, at its sole discretion, assign its parking lot fee collection rights to any group, by written contract. Such groups may receive, for their exclusive benefit, all or a shared portion of such fees.

Grass Lot

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  • grass lot - $350.00
  • Lots must be rented if parking is charged, or 15% of total parking fees collected, must be paid to the Fairgrounds, whichever is greater.
  • Plus up to 10 % of admission fees and/or the gross sale of products including but not limited to food, alcohol and novelties. A flat fee may be negotiated in lieu of the percentage rate.
  • Deposit Minimum - $150.00 per event

  • Note: The Fairgrounds retains first-rights for parking lot fees. The County may, at its sole discretion, assign its parking lot fee collection rights to any group, by written contract. Such groups may receive, for their exclusive benefit, all or a shared portion of such fees.


Section A

  • Overnight - per space (hook-up, non-hook-ups or tent) - $35.00
  • Special Events (Fairgrounds will make determination) - $40.00
  • A bulk group camping rate may be negotiated in certain camping areas.

Section B

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  • Overnight - per space (hook-up, non-hook-ups or tent) - $35.00
  • Special Events (Fairgrounds will make determination) - $40.00
  • A bulk group camping rate may be negotiated in certain camping areas

Section C

  • Overnight - per space (hook-up, non-hook-ups or tent) - $35.00
  • Special Events (Fairgrounds will make determination) - $40.00
  • A bulk group camping rate may be negotiated in certain camping areas

Section D

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  • Overnight - per space (hook-up, non-hook-ups or tent) - $35.00
  • Special Events (Fairgrounds will make determination) - $40.00
  • A bulk group camping rate may be negotiated in certain camping areas


*Folding Tables-$5.00 ea
Chairs-$2.00 ea / $1 ea if over 50 chairs are rented during same event
Picnic Tables- $5.00 ea
*note those renting entire Pavilion Building for a "Full Day Rental" will be allowed the use of 25 tables and 100 chairs at no charge, as part of
their rental package
Bleachers-$75.00 Set
Portable Stage-$50.00 ea or $10/piece/event
Ticket Booths-$50.00 ea/event
Cash Registers-$10/day+$100.00 refundable damage deposit
Portable P.A. System $25/day+$100.00 refundable damage deposit
* Curtain Dividers-$10 per 10 ft section can be rented only for Pavilion Events. A flat fee can be negotiated if over 100 ft. of curtains are used.
*A $50 cleaning fee may be charged if curtains are used on dirt floor or outdoors.
* One set consists of two (2) base plates; two (2) 8' uprights; two (2) extendable poles; and three (3) curtains

*prices on website may not reflect updated prices. Accurate pricing will be included in your Contract.

Gas Heat Fee

Pavilion Meeting Room-$45/hr with a 2 hour minimum charge
Pavilion Exhibit Hall-$45/hr with a 2 hour minimum charge
Pavilion Indoor Arena-$50/hr with a 2 hour minimum charge

Other Utility Fees
UTILITIES -(electricity, water, sewer, garbage)
4-H, FFA, & other Youth Groups paying the youth rate-$50/hr


A special youth rate is available for Grays Harbor 4-H Youth Program and Grays Harbor FFA Chapters. Groups qualifying can rent facilities at youth rates on weekdays and/or weeknights only (if available and not desired for use by full paying events) at the rate of:

  • $20.00 per building, unit, room, or area; Plus, $50/Hour Utility Fee (2-hour minimum usage); Plus, any other applicable costs that are incurred by the fairgrounds during usage.
  • Friday is considered the weekend

Other non-profit, youth groups may also be granted the youth rate for rentals held Monday through Thursday only. Weekends (Fri., Sat., Sun.) are at the published rate.

To be granted the youth rate, events must be free of charge, with no admission collected. If the event wishes to collect donations the following statement must be included in advertising and posted at the event: “Donations are strictly voluntary and are not required to spectate and/or participate in this event”.

Special - Washington High School Equestrian Team (WAHSET) Meet Youth Rate Package

  • Includes Pavilion Arena, Covered Arena Warm-up Area, Monte Farm and Home Covered Arena ………………………………………………………….. $1,900
  • Plus, Stall Rental and other applicable fees/charges

Fairgrounds Map

Reserve Online

Facility Rental Reservation Form


Example: Fundraiser, Equestrian, Rodeo


How many of the following will you be needing?

You can always give us an estimate if you don't have the specific information at this time.  
Tables are $5.00 each.
Chairs are $2.00 each


Who will be signing contract
Terms & Conditions

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